White distilled vinegar is a powerful disinfectant and due to its acidic pH, it has long been utilised as a cleaning agent. I have been using my citrus-infused vinegar cleaner for a couple of months now, and I am so impressed with how effective it cuts through grease and dirt. If you are after an affordable and green option to your cleaning routine then I would recommend giving this simple DIY a try. Some folks like to dilute their mixture 50:50 with water but I prefer it full strength.
Now I’m not claiming to be an expert here, I am simply sharing my experiences with what has worked for me and some of the obstacles that came along with this eco cleaning journey. Hopefully, I can inspire some of you to go down the environmentally friendly cleaning path and give this easy recipe a go. You can use vinegar on its own or add citrus rind which is beautifully scented and full of oils containing anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties.

- Distilled vinegar
- Citrus peel
- Essential oils (optional)
- Glass jar
- Glass spray bottle
- Funnel
- Wire mesh strainer
- Fill your jar with citrus peel. Make sure to only use the peel and not the pulp as it will cloud the solution and make it sticky. ( I learnt this the hard way)
- Add enough vinegar to cover the peels.
- At this point, you can add your desired essential oils. I like combining about 10 drops of Tea tree oil to my mixture. It has powerful antibacterial, antifungal properties that make it fantastic for a natural and safe cleaner.
- Set aside to infuse preferably in the pantry for at least 2 weeks. The longer you let it sit, the better the infusion.
- 3 weeks tops is ideal, remember to label your lid with the date and ingredients.
- Strain the contents through a wire mesh strainer and pour it into your glass spray jar. A funnel will come in very handy at this point.
- Voila, you are now ready to use around the house.
Safety tips: Clean with caution, some porous surfaces like hardwood floors, grout, and stone require the mixture to be diluted with water (50-50 ratio). However I’ve been using it on my granite benchtops and wooden dining table without any issues. If you’re worried you can just give those surfaces a miss.
Notes: I love combining herbs to the mix, some great pairings include: Lemon peel and Rosemary, Orange Peel and Cloves, Grapefruit and Lavender, Pomelo peel and Eucalyptus.

What are some eco-friendly homemade products that you have enjoyed making? Let us know in the comments below.
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SOOOOOOOO smart AMY !!!!!!!!!!!! xxxxx
Thank you so much! I really enjoy writing and documenting my DIY’s. Thanks for stopping by 🙂
<3 <3 <3 i THOUGHT i was in your spam LOL xxxxx Hugs beautiful xx
This is awesome, I have a lemon tree I must try this clever idea, thank you so much for sharing 🍋👌
It’s my pleasure! I do hope you give this recipe a try.
I’m totally gonna save this and try to make it myself. I’ve been wanting to do more diy stuff anyway in general to stop buying things from the store because it does get pretty wasteful. I cant wait to try this. Great recipe love@
Thank you so much Rossy, Cant wait to hear your thoughts on the spray when you make it. I am currently trying out some beauty diy’s using Charcoal, I can’t wait to share it with everyone.
I have it saved on a browser page on my phone. I just have to find the time do it.
And omg yes totally!! I cannot wait to see those DIYs!